Xtreme Mercy

Our mission is to glorify God throughout the World.

We seek to obey the commandments of Jesus to baptize, disciple and teach about the Kingdom of God and see the Kingdom expanding.

Our missionaries have been serving people for over 20 years. Our missionaries are serving in Africa, Brazil, Canada and Israel.

Below is a documentary of one of our missionaries in Brazil.   This films was nominated by the Christian Film Festival, and “Love….Unfiltered”, WON!!!


Updates from our Missionaries

It’s a Good Deal

We have many options when it comes to Christian missions.Partners who support Deanna and I are helping Train Leaders and Plant Churches.We are working at planting and releasing church-planting communities…

Heroes of the Faith

We were invited to Jim and Vicky’s 64th wedding anniversary meal. Jim (grey sweater) and Harold (blue coat, black-rimmed glasses) were super-instrumental in the early days in Altamira. They helped…